Assassin's Mace -Feature Film in Development
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Assassin's Mace: The Novel

Assassin's Mace the novel written by Evan Pedone has become a controversial political thriller. It has been featured in the St. Pete Times Newspaper (Florida's largest newspaper) as well as the Times-Herald Gazette in New York. The novel delves into World War 3 head first, focuses heavily on the Assassin's Mace, asymmetrical warfare, and the Black World of top secret warfare by the United States.

Who is Evan Pedone?

Evan Pedone is a two-time published author, and a Feature Film Producer, Director, and Screenwriter.  Evan Pedone's Feature Film GPS was completed in 2010. Prior to writing novels, and entering the entertainment industry he served in two branches of the military. He is also the founder of the Florida Paranormal Society.

His second novel Expedition Everest has also been a large hit. Evan Pedone is currently working on his third novel set for release in 2015.

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